Supermarket ABC is the brainchild of Aleksander Ryzinski
A Southern Polish Pioneer who has had this dream all of his life to own is own Supermarket chain.
Starting in Maindee Newport Aleksander has surprised everyone in the area with his vision and ideas , the shop has really brought new life into the area, along with steady flow of other new businesses in the area opening recently Maindee now has quite a diverse and interesting feel
about it with more coming into the area you get the feeling we could get back to the good old days.
The supermarket has a wide selection of products of a European nature specialising in Natural ingredients, plus a selection of your usual weekly shop like
Heinz Beans, Tate & Lyle Sugar and Braces bread.
The pièce de résistance though is the off Licence selection with a fantastic display of European whiskey's , Vodka's, brandy's and wines, Supermarket ABC is out on it's own, some of the bottles are works of art and the tastes and varieties are really amazing.
We are sure you like what you see and everyone is welcome, we have a taste before you buy cold meat and cheese counter and so many great offers, call in and remember the public car park is only 10p for 2 hours.

Supermarket ABC football team Dzisiaj Drużyna ABC Supermarket zwyciężyła turniej piłki nożnej LiveAdventure&Kaczuszka Cup w Cardiff . Wygraliśmy 4mecze i 1 remis bilans bramek 32-5 BRAWO 👍 Today team abc supermarket won soccer tournament liveadventure & Duck Cup in Cardiff. WE WON 4 GAMES AND 1 TIE SCORE 32-5 balance Well done

In Play June 2016

Supermarket ABC football team Dzisiaj Drużyna ABC Supermarket zwyciężyła turniej piłki nożnej LiveAdventure&Kaczuszka Cup w Cardiff . Wygraliśmy 4mecze i 1 remis bilans bramek 32-5 BRAWO 👍 Today team abc supermarket won soccer tournament liveadventure & Duck Cup in Cardiff. WE WON 4 GAMES AND 1 TIE SCORE 32-5 balance Well done